Heidi Sime
Frequency Coach, Abstract Artist & Meditative Art Educator
I am Heidi Sime, mother of 4 children, 2 stepsons and truth seeker. I know life through design, art, biohacking, primal living, experimenting, meditating, celebrating, welding, metal working, archery, drawing, painting, reading, sailing, bindi wearing, love, traveling, exploring, hiking, sleeping, parenting, loving all the essential things that make up a woman too young for my age and too old for my snappy outfits. I was born from hot Polish gypsy blood, experimented with all that life has to offer both deviant and holistic. I was biohacking before biohacking was “coined” by making molecular water and experimenting with high fat sardine/berry/nut fasts way back in the late 1990s….haha. I am Devoted to parenting, Emotional intelligence & seeking higher spiritual truths.
With love and peace – Heidi